Want To Tell Engaging Stories Through Creative Editing? Here Are 5 Tips.
Storytelling is key to building connection as a:
Video editor
Content creator
Small business owner
The most innovative and effective video editors understand the importance of storytelling through creative editing.
Here are their 5 simple guidelines:
1. Know Your Story
Understand the one you want to tell.
Successful video editors remind us that what people care about is the story (not graphics or special effects). Your audience will remember you(r video) for the story.
Remind yourself what matters most.
2. Keep it Simple
Many people think they need to add as much visual flair as possible.
When actually, it’s usually the opposite. Too much visual stimulation can detract from the story. Don’t fall into this trap.
Keep it simple and let the story speak for itself.
3. Practice, Practice, Practice
It takes people a while to learn this.
Think of something you’re good at. How did you get there? Success is not about having the latest tech (or knowing the most advanced techniques).
Instead, it’s about putting in the reps.
4. Embrace Your Own Style
You develop a style through consumption & practice.
Embrace it. Your unique style will develop naturally. It’s what makes your content, yours.
Having a distinctive style makes all the difference.
5. Focus on Emotion
Like most things in life, your goal should be to evoke an emotional response from your audience.
Then, and only then, will you follow in the footsteps of the most innovative video editors ever.
Storytelling through creative editing is a top trend in video production.
Learn the 5 key tips for success as a new editor:
Focus on what matters
Challenge common myths
Practice over perfection
Always push boundaries
Prioritize the right outcome
See you tomorrow. Matt Cici
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